文學小說 (科幻)
Midnight City: #1 in A Conquered Earth Novel
J. Barton Mitchell
St. Martin’s Press
Nov. 2012
● 內文簡介



Holt Hawkins是位賞金的捕殺者。他的新目標是尋金者Mira Tommbs,因她遭到Midnight City宣判死刑後偷偷逃走。Holt與他的獵狗Max正全力追捕她,果然很快尋找到Mira的蹤影,並將她逮捕。就在這時候,一架「與會者」的飛船突然緊急降落距離他們不遠之處。在好奇心的驅使下,Holt不理會Mira的反對,冒險進入太空船,把一位小女孩Zoey救走。

除了她的名字,Zoey完全沒有任何過去的記憶,她只知道必須到去Midnight City。Holt正好要帶Mira到Midnight City領賞,決定帶著Zoey一同前往。然而,這段旅程卻有著意想不到的奇遇,他們遇到重重的險阻,如自由戰鬥者、海盜、土匪、在午夜突變的可怕生物,還有對Zoey窮追不捨的「與會者」。



● 作者簡介

J. Barton Mitchell是一位編劇、漫畫書撰稿者和作家。他在休斯頓大學修畢創意寫作課程,又在德州大學修讀電影研究。畢業後,曾為華納兄弟電影公司以及二十世紀福斯影業撰寫電影劇本,同時創作漫畫系列《Poe》。


● 媒體報導

"Midnight City hooked me right from the moment Holt first tries to capture Mira and takes her prisoner only to realize he's dealing with a girl who's got some serious survival skills. The two characters are complete equals, more than any other fictional co-star team I've read and yet they're enemies. I knew exactly what would happen with Mira and Holt's instant chemistry and yet, I had to read on just to watch this amazing, action packed journey, both emotional and physical, unfold." —Julie Cross, international bestselling author of Tempest

“When the adults mysteriously disappear, who will save the day after earth is conquered by aliens? In J. Barton Mitchell’s riveting post apocalyptic tale, the kids are the last line of defense. Centered around engaging (and conflicted) characters, Midnight City hurtles you into a story teeming with frightening monsters, bizarre techno-magic and edge-of-your-seat action. “ —Jana Oliver, award-winning author of The Demon Trapper’s Daughter

"Mitchell's prose debut, the first in a dystopian sci-fantasy series, is an imaginative mix of danger and humor...The action will keep readers turning the pages." —Kirkus Reviews