Tausend deutsche Diskotheken
Michel Decar
Ullstein fünf
July 2018
● 內文簡介

1000 German Discos

Life happens when you least expect it…As every Monday, eccentric private detective Frankie spends his evening drinking his usual rum and coke in his local bar and before he knows it, he is knee-deep his most absurd case to date.

Mauke, president of Germany’s railway company, is blackmailed by an anonymous caller. The only clue to his identity: he called from a nightclub while Madonna's "White Heat" was played in the background.

Together with his sidekick, long-term philosophy student Jens, Frankie combs through the West German nightlife of the 80ties. The fact that no DJ seems to have ever played "White Heat" turns out to be the least of his problems.
Industrial espionage, double agents, betrayal and deception – during the hot summer of 1988, Frankie is on a mad trip, in which the boundaries between delusion and reality increasingly blur.

Witty and the good kind of weird, this literary debut sits somewhere between Jonathan Ames’ Bored to Death and Thomas Bernhard. It is a trip down memory lane as much as it is an exploration of a country that does no longer exist.


● 作者簡介

Michel Decar is a succesful playwright and producer of radio plays. He lives in Berlin. This is his rst novel.


● 媒體報導