Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
Christopher de Hamel
Penguin UK
September 2016
● 內文簡介



《Meeting with Remarkable Manuscripts》是一本優雅又引人入勝的著作。這本書就像一條通向中世紀的時光隧道,以獨一無二的角度帶領我們認識那個時期的國王、王后、學者、收藏家、圖書館理員、僧侶、抄寫員和古字體研究者,無論他們是為了鞏固政權、承傳智慧、教化人民或宗教虔誠等各種原因,最終還是為人類留下珍貴的歷史資料與精美藝術品。


✓ 聖奧古斯丁的福音書(The Gospels of Saint Augustine):是現存最古老的拉丁文繪圖福音書;
✓ 阿米提奴抄本(The Codex Amiatinus):是八世紀的聖經手抄稿,也是現存最早的完整聖經手稿;
✓ 凱爾經(The Book of Kells):約公元800年由蘇格蘭西部愛奧那島(Lona)上的僧侶凱爾修士繪製,是一部泥金裝飾手抄本;
✓ 貝雅圖斯手稿插圖(The Morgan Beatus):公元八世紀,西班牙僧侶畫家馬奇尤斯(Magius)為僧侶貝雅圖斯的《啟示錄註解》所製的手稿插圖;
✓ 哥本哈根詩篇(The Copenhagen Psalter):是十二世紀的泥金裝飾手抄詩篇;
✓ 布蘭詩歌(The Carmina Burana),創作於十一至十三世紀,由不同人寫成,搜集了超過240首詩歌,大部份以中世紀拉丁語寫成;
✓ 斯皮諾拉祈禱書(The Spinola Hours):描述了施洗者約翰的生平。





● 作者簡介

Christopher de Hamel,長期任職於蘇富比,負責處理大量的手稿,並把它們編入目錄。自二千年開始,他是劍橋大學基督聖體學院(Corpus Christi College, Cambridge)的研究學者和The Parker Library的圖書管理員,負責處理早期的英文手稿和相關歷史,他也是古物學家協會(Society of Antiquaries)和皇家歷史學會(Royal Historical Society)的研究學者。


● 媒體報導

“Christopher de Hamel's exploration of medieval manuscripts - a dozen peaks from St Augustine to Chaucer and beyond, gorgeously and copiously illustrated - is itself an extraordinary book, a work of scholarship and history salted with the author's excitement as he conducts us among the great libraries of Western civilization. It is full of delights, as well as surprising reminders of the shifting ground of knowledge.”──Tom Stoppard,曾獲奧斯卡金像奬的英國劇作家

“Great manuscripts are the reclusive stars of European cultural history; to be close to one is to enter a secret garden to which few have ever been granted access. With scholarly elegance, Christopher de Hamel opens the door and invites us to join him for the intellectual tour of a lifetime. As he introduces us to twelve stars in their sanctuary homes, these complex creations emerge as major players in the great game of ideas and power. They are agents as well as creatures, with histories that embrace and explain our own. This is an endlessly fascinating and enjoyable book.”──Neil MacGregor

“Truth, as this entrancing book proves, is wonderfully stranger than fiction. Christopher de Hamel's learned adventures amid some of the West's greatest manuscript treasures effortlessly outclass Eco's The Name of the Rose in elegance and excitement.”──Diarmaid MacCulloch,牛津大學教會史教授

“Reading is my life, but only about once a decade do I find a book that seems to tilt the world, so afterwards it appears different. Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts will be the cultural best-seller of the season.”──Fiammetta Rocco, Economist ‘1843’