Truth About Stepfamilies: Real American Stepfamilies Speak Out About What Works and What Doesn't When It Comes to Creating a Family Together
Anne O'Connor
Marlowe & Co
27 Feb 2004
● 內文簡介

Stepfamilies are commonplace in society today, but anyone in a step-family knows that making it work takes uncommon patience, for-titude, and a recognition of their unique situation. In The Truth about Stepfamilies, journalist and long-time stepmom Anne O'Connor offers a rare and compelling look at what it's really like to live in a step-family. You are invited into the lives and hearts of eight real stepfamilies-each at varying stages of stepfamily development-to hear parents and children describe the joys and hardships of their stepfamily arrangements. Interspersed between these, O'Connor offers solid, practical advice on all the tough issues stepfamilies confront as they struggle to succeed as a new family, including:

Where does the new stepparent fit in?

Who disciplines the kids?

How do you manage the ex?

Who pays for what?
How are the kids affected?

And most importantly-does it ever get easier?

The truth is that succeeding as a stepfamily requires answers to these questions and more, but The truth about Stepfamilies shows that with knowledge, support, and hard work, life in stepfamilies can move from bitter resentment and anxiety to respect, tolerance, and love between family members.


● 作者簡介

Anne O'Connor is a freelance journalist who worked for the Minneapolis Star Tribune from 1994 to 2000 covering education and crime beats. She has been a full-time step-mother for eight years, O'Connor and family live in Wisconsin .


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